Travels in Bletchley

Follow my day to day workings of a typical childrens and youth worker in Bletchley

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well im back in the uk, im with Jo in London.

My last week in Oz was cool I was with Jared and Rose all week. Hes a nice guy, they really welcomed me in, we got on ok, so not sure why he wont see her family, im still puzzled on that one?
We went to Byron Bay, was a gorgeous day, so we did a bit of sunbathing :)
We also went hill walking, and on friday we went to these rainforests which over looked the glass house mountains, wonderful views!
Did you know that the French got to Austrailia first, but took one look and were like 'Nah, this is rubish' if they had gone over the next hill they would have seen lush lands hehe. Doh!

On our way back we also went to a wildlife sanctuary where we saw koalas and kangaroos and other cool animals and tropical birds, it was a little grey and a little cold, but was still a great day. We rode on a little train, hehe...

(I think Ive got popcorn up my bum..)
quote from The wild - very funny film, :)

So got back early wed morning, the plane journey was quite unbearable!! so very glad to get on the ground!
Went to Bletchley yesterday to meet people. We saw some flats and we looked at another building for the church, and then the minister and his family took me out for pizza and cookies! We looked around M.K its a great place!
Anyway im off for a cinema marathon :)

Am back to glasgow monday lunch time, and then heading up to inverness to see mum and dad for a while - yay, cant wait to get home...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Got back from Sydney yesterday, was so awesome, have so many pics! Touched the opera house, walked across the bridge, touched a sharks egg, travelled on the monorail and stood under a giant charactacture of the queen. Random! sorry, dont know how to flip it :s but you get the idea...
It was a really good few days and we packed in alot but had sooo much time to chill in the mornings and evenings. Our highlights were actually not well known places in Sydney. We must have spent all afternoon at the Aquarium, it was awesome!!and great value for money... (thats where the shark egg comes in) Rose managed to stroke a baby shark, it was so cute.
Saw a croc getting fed, totally gross, but you couldnt help but stand in wonder...

I found Nemo! Hehe.
The other deal of the week was the chinese gardens, so relaxing. It is built on the Darling harbour near the aquarium, its enclosed but you can see the highrise buildings in sydney it was great stuff, so beautiful. A definate highlight and a huge recomendation if you go out there only $6 which is under 3 pounds!Great.

Had a very relaxing day today, it rained! for the first time :( ah well it was ok nothing was planned so we watched old movies and we decided to do a scrap book for rose.
We are collecting song lyrics, verses with loads of craft and art things and are going to creatively put them on pages. Its her b'day soon, so we are going to do different pages and write a little letter to convey our thoughts.
She is a very visual and musical person so a cd will come with it, a collection of music that has a theme of feeling lost, but finding God.
She feels abandoned, and so we want to remind her of God's love and our love, and she is not alone - the psalms are full of this stuff, so we want to include that kinda thing.
If anyone has any advice or verses that you think might help her feel peace and find healing, or any songs I would really appreciate help. Please pray for her, there are huge struggles going on.
Anyway that was really heavy! Sorry!!
Plans for the next few days is to chill, spending the week with rose and jared from mon-thur, so that should be cool :)
Anyway its late, will update soon.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This is going to be a quick one as we need to head to be early as we have an early flight to sydney! yay!
Over the last few days we have been up at Noosa, where the Cases grandparents are, and wonderful beaches.
We had fish and chips along the river and then went and sunbathed on the beach for the afternoon on monday. We got ice cream, and then came back and watched some movies.
Today we went 'bush walking' there is a natural park behind the sea over looking it and going higher and higher, it was great, here's a pic...

Rose and I went for a walk along the river, got some pics of some pelicans! hehe
For those who know the situation can you pray for me as we head to sydney, that God would give me the words to say and the wisdom to be able to speak to rose. I am also staying with rose and her fiance next week which im abit nervous about, so prayer for that would be appreciated :)

Thats it for now, will update you after my trip to sydney... :)
This short update has been brought to you by the Kat Productions... sorry no little pic of a cat, cant find it on this computer! lol

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Well I have had my first week here in Oz, and so far the sun has shone, and I have seen some weird and wonderful wildlife, and have seen some animals too! lol
I have just had a week of camp up at Mt tamborine (or something like that) it was lovely we had parrots sitting out our window every day, chirping away! here's a pic...

Anyway camp was ok, great bunch of girls in our dorm! They were pretty hyper and when it came to dorm inspections they were quite busy doing their hair so betty and I did most of it, but it was a lot of fun! :)

We got back from camp on Fri, and today we went up some Mountain which looked over Brisbane; as far as the eye can see, it was awesome, and at sunset, a little cold but well worth it. Beautiful views...

That's Yvette - aka Betty - and me on the lookout part of the mountain :)

That's it for now, this has been brought to you by the Kat Productions ...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Just realised that my blog dates are going to be a bit behind the ones I am giving.... :)

29th, 30th, 1st July

Well I am here and well. A little sleepy, but am getting through. The first three days have been great! Got into Brisbane at 8.30am and had the Cases waiting for me. Rose had arranged a bunch of roses for me, and Ian was there waiting with the camera!

We came back to WEC Headquarters and we then went out shopping, got a USB and some things for camp - very nice! We went out around Brisbane, its a lovely clean place which has been designed for walks and places to sit in the sun, was beautiful, didnt manage to get pics, but will do another day.

Today and yesterday has been prep days for camp, so its been a lazy couple of days which has been great. Chris has really had me well fed and watered. We had pumkin soup today :s it was nice... it was smooth at least, hehe

Me, Yvette and Coralie have been sitting outside doing some embrodery for some bandanas for camp for the girls who are going to be in our village, it is so warm, was wearing a black t.shirt - bad idea have a bit of a headache, hehe.

Rose is coming over in a bit, so we are going to get out some films and watchsome tonight. Its Chris's b'day so will get something out for her and eat things called clinkers... they are like pieces of edinbourgh rock covered in chocolate, a bit weird but they are nice.

We are off to camp tomorrow for a week so will catch up then, for now this has been brought to you by the Kat Productions :)