Travels in Bletchley

Follow my day to day workings of a typical childrens and youth worker in Bletchley

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You all look so pretty with those tights on and bright red jelly around your mouths!

This week is gonna be a good one - I am doing the 9.15 and 11am services in the main church (st marys) this sunday Eeek, should be good. we are doing a childrens and youth presentation but it is starting to require a lot of prep!! It will be great, but I have to work out my little 'sermon' bit aswell as all the other bits!
I also have to try and work out a bible study for revelation 4-6ish - anyone got any ideas??

Tomorrow I am heading off on a little train adventure - to a place just outside of slough for a networking day with the rest of the youth workers and ministers from around the area - again it should be good, but am aware that it will take out a whole days worth of prep for the evening and for sat which is not ideal, but it doesnt happen often so will just have to work late tomorrow!!

Braved MK again and have just come back from the wonderfully large, and very empty cineworld in MK. Its great almost having a screen to my self! Went to see hoodwinked

as its nearly finishing, does not even come close to ice age or shrek, but it was still good - a very good spin on why the wolf was in grannys clothes. And if anyone is familiar with 'Less than Perfect' try and see which voice matches with the little 'cute' bunny! Awww.
Also wanted to see the departed, but it looks quite heavy and a bit brutal so am thinking might save that for a not so sunny day.

13 days to go!
you know im gonna be 23 on the, thats never gonna happen again....
To all ICC folk, think we are gonna go have a drink in town on monday the 23rd if you are interested?

Have homegroup tonight - we are looking at joel - its a gd wee group,

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Well I am totally in the thick of it now! And although stress levels are rising, I wouldnt want it any other way. I had my induction/comissioning this weekend, it was quite emotional. Some of my friends from Thame came over, my parents were down for the wedding so they stayed with me for a while so it was fab having folk there, and it was a really nice service, there were loads of youth, and so many folk from the church came out to 'wish me well' so that was great.

This weekend was a busy one - we had our first cafe night - was great, cool lighting and great music.
I then braved going down to chalfont st giles for a wedding my sister was a bridesmaid, they looked awesome!
Came back for a barn dance which I totally loved and is very ironic, the whole time I was up in scotland I tried to aviod Ceilidhs like the plague as I had no idea what to do and stuck out like a sore thumb as english as I didnt know the end song and the dances. Down here we are all just as clueless, but I was more in the know and remembered some steps etc, so I had great fun jumping around with the youth!! hehe
We then had our harvest all age service and then my induction in the evening :)

I am again on my day off and I have just been to the cinema! Wow its been a long time but felt like home!! (this is the cineworld at milton keynes)

There were 10 of us in this huge screen, nice... went to see children of men (need to catch up with the icc folk). Was a very good film, I would give it 3 and a half gold stars out of 5. Kept you on your seat, although a bit brutal with people getting shot all the time, but it was all done really well. thought about doing a whole day at the cinema, but felt I would have a bit of time online at the office before I go home. :)

What does this week hold for me... tomorrow I am goin in to the secondary school with the bridgebuilder trust, they are linked with SU which is cool. Other admin, but I seriously need to get my study on revelations sorted as we have a bible study in the evening - thats good fun. The guys come early now as the discovered the ps2, hehe. we have a lot of fun!

The rest of the week is prep and admin for sat! yay, I look forward to this day, 8am starts and 90 screaming kids!
I will look like this by christmas.....

Lots of love to you if you are reading this, xx