This is going to be a quick one as we need to head to be early as we have an early flight to sydney! yay!
Over the last few days we have been up at Noosa, where the Cases grandparents are, and wonderful beaches.
We had fish and chips along the river and the

Today we went 'bush walking' there is a natural park behind the sea over looking it and going higher and higher, it was great, here's a pic...
Rose and I went for a walk along the river, got some pics of some pelicans! hehe
For those who know the situation can you pray for me as we head to sydney, that God would give me the words to say and the wisdom to be able to speak to rose. I am also staying with rose and her fiance next week which im abit nervous about, so prayer for that would be appreciated :)
Thats it for now, will update you after my trip to sydney... :)
This short update has been brought to you by the Kat Productions... sorry no little pic of a cat, cant find it on this computer! lol
if you need information about Tours & Travel in Jakarta-Indonesia, please visit link at my blog : http://www.yoyoe.blogspot.com
Have a Nice Day
ok... will be praying that all goes well with Rose over next week or so...
Have fun!!! x
cheers, things went ok, we had a chat, need to follow it up though, have a good time at clan.
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