Travels in Bletchley

Follow my day to day workings of a typical childrens and youth worker in Bletchley

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This week is gonna be a good one - I am doing the 9.15 and 11am services in the main church (st marys) this sunday Eeek, should be good. we are doing a childrens and youth presentation but it is starting to require a lot of prep!! It will be great, but I have to work out my little 'sermon' bit aswell as all the other bits!
I also have to try and work out a bible study for revelation 4-6ish - anyone got any ideas??

Tomorrow I am heading off on a little train adventure - to a place just outside of slough for a networking day with the rest of the youth workers and ministers from around the area - again it should be good, but am aware that it will take out a whole days worth of prep for the evening and for sat which is not ideal, but it doesnt happen often so will just have to work late tomorrow!!

Braved MK again and have just come back from the wonderfully large, and very empty cineworld in MK. Its great almost having a screen to my self! Went to see hoodwinked

as its nearly finishing, does not even come close to ice age or shrek, but it was still good - a very good spin on why the wolf was in grannys clothes. And if anyone is familiar with 'Less than Perfect' try and see which voice matches with the little 'cute' bunny! Awww.
Also wanted to see the departed, but it looks quite heavy and a bit brutal so am thinking might save that for a not so sunny day.

13 days to go!
you know im gonna be 23 on the, thats never gonna happen again....
To all ICC folk, think we are gonna go have a drink in town on monday the 23rd if you are interested?

Have homegroup tonight - we are looking at joel - its a gd wee group,


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